English to Morse Code



English To Morse Code

The English To Morse Code converter helps in translating any data in English into the international Morse Code. This encrypted text can be then shared securely through any platform. This way, the sensitive data is not put at risk of being exposed to any third party software.

The conversion using the English to Morse Code tool is super easy. All you have to do is type any text into the input box and the encrypted data is generated in the output box. Copy this text, listen to it in the audio format, or download it as a .wav file.

Why This Tool

Careers in CW Academy or radio operation require a good knowledge of Morse Code. This tool can help you achieve perfection in Morse Coding through regular practice and following all rules and regulations of International Morse coding. The English to Morse Code translator is designed and developed by expert developers under the guidance of teachers experienced in Morse Code, therefore there are no chances of errors. You can get properly trained using this tool from beginner to advanced in no time.

English to Morse Code Trainer

The training tools mentioned here are developed by experts along with experienced users and teachers of Morse code. These tools will help you understand morse code better and faster in the most professional way, for free.

  • CW Generator

    This tool is specifically developed for the users who aim at learning the sounds and frequencies of the Morse Code and includes advanced controls. However, the Morse Code Translator is to be used to see the dashes and dots, Morse as a flashing light or vibration, or to send messages to others.

  • CWops Beginner

    The CWops Beginner trainer provides you with a set of carefully crafted exercises to teach you to copy the Morse code and send it. In this trainer, experts are also involved to help train you to be better at Morse Code. This trainer is available in English and Japanese.

  • Word List

    This trainer lets you practice Morse Code generation through the readymade vocabulary or add your own to the list. These words are then arranged in a soundboard to click on or the standard play controls can be used for this purpose.

    The words can also be played using sound or by flashing light. Apart from these, the advanced control settings help you adjust everything about the trainer.

  • Character Trainer

    Character Trainer or Instant Character Recognition (ICR) can be practiced through this fully-configurable trainer. You can choose your own characters to practice. Learning to recognize each character even at high speed instantly is a necessity to becoming a proficient CW operator.

    Practice ICR using this fully-configurable trainer, choose your problem characters, practice them and then add some more.

  • QSO

    The QSO Morse code trainer creates any QSO-style Morse codes to help the user practice copying authentic CW. Users can practice using their name and call signs, change character speed, Farnsworth speed, and many more.